The Generalist

Category: Science

Total 21 Posts


What is red? It’s a color, you say. Well, yes, but that doesn’t really explain anything, does it? Okay, it’s a wavelength of light. Yeah, nope. That doesn’t help, either. Red is an experience. A very particular experience. After all, why does that wavelength of light correlate with the particular

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This is an Orange

Note: This video link was edited October 15, 2023 because Anthony Lawson’s channel was, at somepoint during the great censorship purge, removed from YouTube, and I still want you to be able to watch it here. Go vote in the poll before you watch this video. Don’t worry, nobody will

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Against Patents

A few years ago I wrote a letter to the editor of Bioscience Hypotheses, a journal in which, shortly before, I had published an article speculating on the cause of Bee Colony Collapse. One of the reasons I chose that forum for my editorial was that it seemed to me

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Bee Colony Collapse Revisited

A friend of mine recently sent me an article regarding a possible breakthrough in the cause of Bee Colony Collapse (Zombie Fly Parasite Killing Honeybees, Yahoo News, January 4, 2012). Some of you may remember that back in 2009 a friend and I published a paper called Honey bee colony

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TV Propaganda

The Discovery networks are really becoming ridiculous.  This even aside from the gratuitous references to “global warming” and “climate change” with the not-so-hidden message that people are the plague of the earth. I’ve gotten somewhat used to that message, really. And if you can stomach the backwards values, the shows can

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Part of my daily routine includes a walk in the park where I practice being as aware of my surroundings as possible. These are techniques I learned reading Tom Brown Jr.’s nature observation and tracking guides, but is also something that I think comes from just being interested in a

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